Why are we crowdfunding?
After all these years and all the success the future of rowing at Bann is at risk.
The wetting and drying effects of the twice daily rise and fall of the tidal River Bann has caused the wooden steps, by which the rowers access the river, to rot. The result is that they are now rapidly becoming a health and safety hazard. If something is not done soon the steps will be in such a poor condition as to make them unusable, thereby removing access to the river. Without their replacement there will only be one outcome – the end of rowing at Bann Rowing Club!
How we’ll spend the money raised
The cost of replacing the steps is £45,000. The Club is, to all intents and purposes self-funding, and the membership, along with some friends of the Club have contributed £25,000 to date which is sufficient to purchase the materials for the re-fit. The current lack of government support, particularly the unavailability of that made available post COVID, severely limits options to secure the much needed balance of £20,000 required for the expert installation and it is simply out of reach for the members. Simply put, without this money we cannot move the step replacement project forward, but the alternative is too difficult to contemplate!
Please see our Crowdfunder link at the URL below: